
The Prunier Manufacture: direct from your caviar producer in France

At Prunier, every drop of caviar is the result of a savoir-faire handed down from generation to generation. And with good reason: the Prunier family has always been closely linked to the history of caviar. After becoming the world's exclusive exporter of Russian caviar in 1918, the Prunier family pursued its ambition by producing the first French caviar from wild sturgeon, fished in the Gironde estuary, in 1921.

Although they are very common in the countries around the Caspian Sea, sturgeons have also developed in the saline waters of Aquitaine.

When the sturgeon became a protected species in 2008, prohibiting its fishing, Prunier immediately started the first French Acipenser Baeri breeding farm.

150 years of savoir-faire

With the sturgeon farm set up by Laurent and Valérie Sabeau, and the active support of Pierre Bergé in producing the finest French caviar, Prunier has become a leading caviar Maison in France.

Laurent and Valérie have used the best Russian and Iranian methods coupled with the exceptional French terroir in Aquitaine to produce the precious roe.

Our fish, reared in the pure waters of the Isle River, benefit from a balanced diet and a protected environment, guaranteeing exceptional quality and taste in every bite. As a producer, Prunier pays particular attention to its sturgeon breeding conditions. Caviar is first and foremost a reflection of its terroir, so its quality is influenced by its origin. Knowledge of not only the country it comes from, but also the fish farm is essential.

Baeri Caviar, French caviar par excellence

Our flagship products include the famous Baeri caviar, renowned for its black colour and firm texture, but also its subtle flavour, combining nuts and dried fruit with a salty tang. The ro with its concentrated in flavour, is also repute to be smaller, which puts it at the opposite end of the spectrum to Beluga in terms of size.

A sturgeon variety that was first farmed in France, Acipenser Baerii has become the iconic caviar of Aquitaine.

Produced at Prunier's facilities in Montpon-Ménesterol, our Baeri caviar, with its delicate, silky roe, will win over the most demanding palates with its unique flavours and progressive finish. Each taste reveals our master blenders' expertise. Our caviar collection is also known for tailor-made recipes.

Prunier caviar controle the whole production chain, working meticulously to offer you a harmony of the finest caviar flavours. What's more, we aim to offer a consistent controlled taste over the years, so that your favourite caviar never disappoints.

Oscietra: a caviar with character, a firm favourite with lovers of Aquitaine caviar

Oscietra is also a must for caviar lovers in France. We offer a selection of 4 very different products to showcase the incredible range of flavours found in French Oscietra. Originating from the Aquitaine region, this Supérieur caviar has a generous size and a velvety texture. It differs from Baeri caviar in that its attack is sharper and bolder.

This characterful caviar can be enjoyed after several months of maturing, which allows its complexity to come to the fore. Oscietra is also Chef Yannick Alléno's favourite; he uses Prunier caviar exclusively in his dishes, both around the world and at the Prunier par Yannick Alléno restaurant.

The price of French caviar

Discover the essence of French caviar, enhanced by the Maison's savoir-faire and authentic terroir with our collection of products available in 30b to 1kg tins.

Although quality caviar is priceless, Prunier caviar is proud to offer you two varieties of French caviar, Classique Oscietra and Tradition Baeri, for less than 100 euros per 30 grams, giving you the opportunity to try it and form your own opinion.

Caviar is by nature an exceptional product, because of the way it is produced: it takes between 7 and 10 years to produce the sturgeon roe. Its rarity, the demanding breeding conditions and constant care required explains the price of caviar per kilo.

Buying caviar online at Prunier.com: tell us what you think

To accompany your tasting experience, our team of experts provides detailed tasting notes to help you fully appreciate every nuance of our caviar.

From the size to taste to feel in the mouth and salty notes, we're committed to providing you with the best possible information on our product sheets to guide your choices.

What are your favourite caviar? Leave a review directly on our product page and share your impressions of our Aquitaine caviar!