
How should you eat caviar?

How should caviar be served? Caviar storage and service.

Sturgeon caviar should be kept in a cool place at all times.

We recommend storing it at the bottom of your refrigerator, at a temperature of around -2 to +2°C, to maintain the nature and flavour of the product.

Take your caviar out around 5 to 10 minutes before you want to eat.

Present it on a bed of ice in a caviar display, next to your caviar tin.

Caviar storage:

*If your tin of caviar has not been opened, keep it in a cool place until the expiry date shown on the label.

*Once the tin has been opened, store it in the fridge. We recommend that you eat your caviar within 48 hours of opening.

How much caviar per person?

It is important to use the right amount of caviar for the number of people you are serving.

A quick guide:  

- between 10 and 15 grams per person for beginners

- 20 grams per person for a cocktail party

- 50 grams per person for a starter

- 75 grams per person for dinner

- a tin of 125 to 250 grams to share as a starter, for 4 people

We also offer the authentic Origin tins we use to mature our caviar, in 500-gram and 1kg sizes (available in limited quantities).

How should you eat caviar? 

At Prunier Caviar, our Aquitaine caviar producers recommend enjoying your caviar in its purest form. That's how you'll be able to distinguish its finest nutty, salty flavours, and enjoy the full length of the caviar.

To do this, you can either:

- Enjoy your caviar "à la royale": place a small portion of caviar on the palm of your hand and bring it towards your mouth. Then rub your palms together: if there's no smell, you know it's quality caviar.  

- alternatively spoon the caviar directly from the tin using a mother-of-pearl spoon. You use natural materials or plastic when eating caviar as they don't alter the taste of the product.   

Next use your tongue to gently roll the caviar against your palate to appreciate the texture, it may be firm or melting. Then let it melt and enjoy the aromatic palette and long finish.

What to serve with caviar?

Serve your caviar with warm blinis to create a pleasant play of "hot and cold."

If you have a sweet tooth add a touch more cream!

The important thing is to always serve caviar with neutral foods so that they don't overpower its flavours. We particularly recommend new potatoes (cooked simply in salted water), eggs or slices of bread topped with butter.

As an apéritif, caviar can also be used to enhance salmon toasts, an ideal combination. However, be careful not to season your salmon with lemon, as this could alter the flavour of your caviar.

What kind of alcohol goes with caviar?

Caviar is excellent with a dry white wine or champagne. It will act like flavour enhancer, awakening the palate and prolonging the aromatic peaks of the caviar. Lastly, for a 'Russian-style' tasting experience, some people prefer traditional vodka.

For more inspiration for using caviar in cooking, check out recipes by chef Yannick Alléno in "Prunier par Alléno".

For tips you on planning a caviar tasting watch this video of Larry, our leading sales assistant at the Prunier Caviar boutique shop in La Madeleine, Paris.

(Paris 8ème)

  Did you know? Caviar is made from sturgeon roe, a species of fish native to Siberia. The roe can only be harvested from this exquisite fish after 7 years of growth.

During the caviar preparation stage, the roe is cleaned, salted and then matured. There is very little alteration to their natural state. This makes it a rare and delicate product.

  Discover our French Caviar, produced in our facilities in Aquitaine.